Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting started on those Christmas cards

It has always been my style to mainly do one of a kind cards, mainly because I find it boring to mass produce my cards. I like the creative thinking involved in each card and I don't enjoy the process of making the card so much. So the fun now begins for me, I pulled out my huge "under the bed" tub that I keep all my Christmas stamps in during the 11 months during the year that I don't use them. It is kind of like getting those Christmas decorations and ornaments out of the hall closet when it is time to start decorating. That's the feeling I got this morning when I pulled out the tub. This is my first Christmas card made from the stamps I have stored in there, and I think I will spend the day using these great stamps on most of the cards I make today. During the process of creating, I am thinking of those friends from my life that will receive these cards and wonderful memories flood my brain. It's a nice time of year that I enjoy so much. This year it seemed to arrive even earlier that usual for me, as November has whizzed by in such a hurry. Not sure where last week zoomed off either. Oh, you say it's the price you pay for growing older......?? I rest my case!!!!

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