Scripture: Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.'"

This is a stuggle I have had the last month myself. My husband was laid off from his job the week after Christmas, and I panicked. The panic stemmed of course from the issue of money and I really had to hold on to the fact that God would take care of us. I knew it was a time of trial and a time to prove my trust in Him. I was also comforted by that scripture in Matthew 6:25-34. It grounded me in "seeking His kingdom first, and His righteousness, and all these things will be given unto you as well." It certainly put things in perspective for me. I live in one of the modest neighborhoods there is in my city, a growing community of wealth and prosperity. I too often find myself desiring more materially than I have, but in the grand scheme of things that are really important, these things pass away. My husband found a new job which is closer to us than his old one was, and God did it again, even improved in unexpected ways. Why am I surprised by this? Isn't this exactly what God does? So I am hoping that God will help me hold onto some of that humbleness I experienced in this month. It is a good thing!!
I am guilty of excessiveness in my craft room. If I didn't buy one more stamp, ink pad, sheet of paper, or roll of ribbon, I could still easily make thousands of cards without making a dent in my supply. I stockpiled before my retirement in case my fixed income and new budget could not cover these supplies. LOL I think I'll make it till the end of my lifetime that is for sure. Now I am selling my cards and also making cards to give with donations given to the prison ministry of which I am passionate. I do hope I am using some of these things for His glory and in furthering His kingdom on this earth.
Today's challenge was KISS (Keep it simple, Sister).Using only one layer was the requirement. I did that with my stamping, however I added punched flowers and leaves for the embellishment. (Makes use of small scraps that need to be used as well). Designing my own backgrounds is one of the fun things I love to do with my stamps. It gives me a chance to experiment with lots of color combinations, and a chance to ink a lot of stamps that might need a little love. Most of these stamps used on this card are from Stampin' Up. The inks are Memento. The sentiment is a Michael's $1 stamp!!
Have a blessed Sunday, and tomorrow I challenge you to show LOVE like God does, and love even the unloveable today, or that one who manages to get on your last nerve, or that irritating driver who cuts you off on your commute to work in traffic. It is only in these situations do we experience the fullness of what LOVE is all about!! Happy Valentines' Day!